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April 24, 2015

Dance Back the Night for Awareness

Shelby Mitchell, a sexual assault victim advocate from Safe Haven in Shawano, did not realize how hard it was to belly dance until she had a chance to try it during the organization’s annual fundraiser, Dance Back the Night, in April.

April 22, 2015

Recognize the Causes and Symptoms of Congestive Heart Failure

Congestive heart failure occurs when the heart muscle doesn't pump blood as well as it should. Stephanie Yenter, cardiac and pulmonary rehab coordinator with ThedaCare said certain conditions, such as narrowed arteries in the heart (coronary artery disease) or high blood pressure, gradually leave the heart too weak or stiff to fill and pump efficiently. “The heart does not need to be weakened to cause heart failure,” she said. “It can become stiff.”

Make Eating Healthier Easier

There is no question there are numerous health benefits to eating fruits and veggies. They help reduce risk of chronic diseases, improve heath health, help with weight management and can protect against certain cancers and type 2 diabetes. The USDA has also recommended filling half a plate with fruits and vegetables during each meal.

Improve Your Snooze

“Sleep problems are readily treatable,” says Deepti Sharma, MD, a family medicine physician at ThedaCare Physicians-Menasha. “It’s proven that sleep is just as important to your daily function, well-being, and longevity as good nutrition and physical activity.”

April 21, 2015

Think Before You Drink

Alcohol use is prevalent in our society. Alcohol can legally be consumed if over the age of 21. Alcohol is a chemical that acts like a drug to cause both short term and long term effects on the consumer. Although alcohol can be consumed safely I frequently see the unwanted consequences of alcohol use both in the Emergency Department and the clinic.

April 16, 2015

Shawano Medical Center Foundation Surpasses 225 Million Fundraising Goal

The board of directors of the Shawano Medical Center Foundation recently announced that it reached its goal and raised $2,288,291 million through the Living Well Together capital campaign in support of the new ThedaCare Medical Center-Shawano. The total raised exceeded the $2.25 million goal of the campaign.

Battling Pain from Shin Splints

Shin splints are common to most runners and even some walkers. Shin splints is the pain along the tibia – or the large bone in the front of your lower leg. The muscles and tendons around the bone can become sensitive and painful when they are overworked. While anyone can get them, shin splints are most common when people change or intensify their exercise routines.

Make Sleep a Priority for Children

The 2003 National Survey of Children’s Health showed that 15 million US children and teens get inadequate sleep. I would have to think that in our current climate of constant electronic use & more demanding year round sports and activity schedules, that that number has risen. Encouraging sleep is one of the most important things that we as parents can do.

April 13, 2015

Think Before You Ink

Tattoos seem to be more and more popular especially among young people. Surveys indicate that currently over 20% of people have a tattoo. There are over 20,000 tattoo parlors in the US and the number is increasing. Tattoos and the process of getting a tattoo carry some health risk.

For media inquiries, please call Cassandra Wallace, Public and Media Relations Consultant at 920.442.0328 or the ThedaCare Regional Medical Center-Neenah switchboard at 920.729.3100 and ask for the marketing person on call.