June 26, 2017
In a culture of so many screens and other digital devices, the coverage of successful athletes is almost always of strenuous, sweaty competition or a behind-the-scenes tour of their rigorous workout routines.
June 20, 2017
I love fireworks. And really, who doesn’t? They’re almost everyone’s favorite attraction on the Fourth of July and usually one of the first things that comes to mind when you think of celebrating our independence.
Expectant parents who have questions about caring for a newborn can alleviate their concerns by attending the free ThedaCare community presentation, “Does This Baby Come with a Handbook?”, led by Krystina Pischke, DO, with ThedaCare Physicians-Neenah.
June 15, 2017
When Jimmy Barman joined ThedaCare Regional Medical Center – Neenah as a certified nursing assistant (CNA) two years ago, he came from more than six years helping patients in nursing homes in the Neenah community.
June 9, 2017
ThedaCare Regional Medical Center-Appleton cafeteria services employees had “a blast” planting a garden and look forward to tending to it through the growing season.
ThedaStar frequently lands near crash scenes so please avoid drone use near such sites since it could delay vital patient care and put the operator at potential legal risk.
June 5, 2017
I’ve had health issues over the years. You name it – everything from a triple bypass to sinus surgery, but what really shook me up was when my doctor told me I had diabetes.
June 1, 2017
I went to the VA for lower back pain. They did blood work, X-rays and said everything was fine, but wanted to send me to Green Bay for more tests.
May 23, 2017
Hurts, Healing Involve Weighty Emotions Like many memories of youth, adults tend to recall only the best of times spent…
May 18, 2017
Most of us have a desire to be good, kind people. But while we inherently want to be this way, we don’t always take steps to make it happen. Volunteering is our chance to change that! When we volunteer, we become who we are deep down.
May 15, 2017
Spinning classes, yoga boot camp, I was doing it all. Then suddenly, I heard a ‘pop.’
May 11, 2017
At ThedaCare, patients can access Walk-In Care, FastCare, and e-Visits when a regular clinic visit isn’t in the cards.
May 10, 2017
Sometimes just a little extra support can go a long way in making a tough time a little easier, and it’s even better when that support comes with a furry face.
For media inquiries, please call Cassandra Wallace, Public and Media Relations Consultant at 920.442.0328 or the ThedaCare Regional Medical Center-Neenah switchboard at 920.729.3100 and ask for the marketing person on call.