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August 12, 2024

Sharing the Gift of Time

Inspiring Family Raises Funds for CuddleCots at Two More ThedaCare Hospitals

Angel and Garrett Carter have one wish – to grow their family. To say they’ve gone through more anguish than a couple should to achieve that dream is an understatement. They’ve lost three babies to premature birth.

Married in 2017, Garrett and Angel were ready to start their family in 2019. Angel’s gynecologist cautioned it might be difficult for her to conceive because she had endometriosis and polycystic ovary syndrome. Endometriosis is a disease in which tissue similar to the lining of the uterus grows outside the uterus. It can cause severe pain in the pelvis and make it harder to get pregnant. Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a chronic hormonal condition that affects women of reproductive age and can cause cysts to develop on the ovaries.

After attempting for more than a year, their doctors suggested in vitro fertilization (IVF). Angel and Garrett agreed to try that option. Eggs were retrieved from Angel’s ovaries and readied for fertilization to become embryos.

In 2021, their second embryo transfer was successful, and Angel was pregnant. After the first trimester (12 weeks), they began sharing their good news with family and friends and preparing a nursery. Tragedy struck at 21 weeks. Their first baby, a son they named Nolan, was born prematurely and lived for only about an hour. 

“The hospital offered us the opportunity to use a CuddleCot to extend the time we could spend with our son,” said Angel. “We are forever grateful for that precious time.”

A CuddleCot is a cooling pad that is placed in a bassinet and filters cold water at a consistent temperature to preserve the quality of the infant’s body. It gives the baby’s family more time to say goodbye to their child. For Angel and Garrett, having the extra time with their son was a gift they could barely comprehend.

Unfortunately, because of unusual medical problems, Garrett and Angel experienced similar losses with two more IVF pregnancies. A daughter, Brooklynn, was stillborn at 20 weeks, and another son, Grant, was born at 25 weeks and lived for only 22 minutes.

For Brooklynn, the hospital’s CuddleCot was not working at the time, so the hospital used ice packs to prolong the time Angel and Garrett could spend with her. For Grant’s birth at ThedaCare Regional Medical Center–Neenah, a CuddleCot was available, and Angel and Garrett were able to have extended time with their son.

As the couple began grieving their son, they knew the response from their friends and family would be extensive.

“When someone experiences a tragic loss, people often don’t know what to say, so they send gifts,” said Angel. “The outpouring of support we received from family, friends and co-workers after our previous losses had been tremendous, but we didn’t need money or gift cards. We had all the emotional and physical support we needed from our families.”

Angel and Garrett noted they just wanted time with their baby, and CuddleCot gave them that option.

“While we were at the hospital, one of our nurses mentioned that the CuddleCot supporting Grant had been donated by a couple who’d also lost a daughter prematurely – ironically also named Brooklyn,” explained Angel. “That made us wonder – what did a CuddleCot cost? Could we donate something like that in honor of our babies that would make an impact for other families? We decided to create a GoFundMe account. We wanted to do something that would give back to others.” 

“We wanted to ‘pay it forward.’ Unfortunately, we are not the only parents who will go through an experience like this,” added Garrett. “If we can do something to help someone else in the future, that’s what we were hoping for. And, it’s a way for Nolan, Brooklynn and Grant to be remembered and acknowledged.”

The Carter’s were amazed by the response to their effort.

“It just took off,” Angel said. “We couldn’t believe how fast it grew. It warmed our hearts to see how quickly people responded.”

A recent review shows the account – GoFundMe/A Wish For Grant – Support Angel and Garrett’s CuddleCot Donation – has raised more than $10,000. It is still open and active.

Angel and Garrett are now working with Morgan Fuller, Regional Development Director with the ThedaCare Family of Foundations, to determine the final use of their funds.

“For now, we know that our fund will provide a CuddleCot for ThedaCare hospitals in Berlin and Shawano, which previously didn’t have them,” explained Garrett. “We are also exploring possibly supporting a second CuddleCot for ThedaCare Regional Medical Center–Neenah.” 

The family is also contributing to ThedaCare’s Resolve through Sharing program. The ThedaCare Family of Foundations supports the program, bringing families together who have suffered an infant loss. An annual Walk to Remember is held every October and a Candlelight Memorial Service is offered every December in support of families who have suffered the loss of an infant through miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, stillbirth or neonatal death.

“We were able to have photos taken of Grant and get plaster casts of his hands and feet because of that program,” said Angel. “Those are things we’ll treasure forever. When you’re not able to bring a baby home, any memory helps.”

As Angel and Garrett continue to grieve and remember their children, they hope to turn their experiences into something positive, and allow other families to create special memories that will last a lifetime.

Heart of a Donor Series

This article is part of a planned series featuring generous donors who support the ThedaCare Family of Foundations. Donations to the ThedaCare Family of Foundations help fund projects and programs on many levels across the system. If you know a donor, or community organization, who has a connection to the ThedaCare Family of Foundations, and believe should be featured in the “Heart of a Donor” series, please email

To learn more about the ThedaCare Family of Foundations and the impact of donor support, please visit