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News & Events

August 25, 2014

New Electronic Medical Records System Improves Safety Communication

Communication is vital in healthcare and new technology recently installed at Community Health Network and Wild Rose Community Memorial Hospital locations will make it easier than ever before for physicians to share records and information. In addition, patients can schedule appointments or message with their providers electronically, without picking up the phone.

Healthy Breakfast Key to Successful School Day

Back to school is right around the corner and for many kids, getting up and eating a healthy breakfast isn’t easy. But as the saying goes, breakfast is the most important meal of the day and it’s important your child is properly fueled for her school day. Multiple studies show that proper nutrition gives your child the energy she needs to focus and ready to learn. Hungry kids aren’t focused on the teacher; they’re focused on their growling tummies.

ThedaCare Welcomes Hospitalist Physician

Mayank Arora, MD, a hospitalist physician, has joined ThedaCare and will serve at Appleton Medical Center and Theda Clark Medical Center with a specialty in internal medicine.

CHN Presents 15th Annual Night Out for Womens Health Event

Planning is underway for the 15th annual Community Health Network ‘Night Out for Women’s Health’ which will be held on Wednesday, October 1, 2014 at Pillsbury Hall on the grounds of the Green Lake Conference Center. This year’s event, titled “The Joy of Connection” will feature mental health counselor, author and humorist Mary Pierce, who will provide a humorous yet inspiring message about the importance of positive relationships. Pierce encourages all to attend, saying, “Girlfriends…sisters…mothers…daughters…We need each other! Our connections as women encourage us, energize us and for some of us, save our sanity! Let's laugh together as we celebrate the gifts of friendship and one another. Together, we can make it!”

August 23, 2014

Advance the Trails 5K

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August 16, 2014

Movin on the Mascoutin

Community Health Network is a proud sponsor of the Green Lake Greenways’ Movin on the Mascoutin event. Ride, walk, or run in this FREE family-friendly, non-competitive healthy living event.

August 14, 2014

Focused On Value

You may have heard that ThedaCare is part of a new network of healthcare systems that span the state. When we recently announced this new partnership we got a lot of positive response – and a few questions. Why are you working with competitors? Who benefits from such a broad geographic reach? Does this change anything for ThedaCare’s patients?

August 13, 2014

Stretching Key to Any Running Program

As the Fox Cities Marathon races approach, your training is progressing. You’re building up endurance and adding more miles. As part of your training, you’re diligent about getting your running in, but are you including stretching as part of your routine? Stretching is an essential part of your exercise routine. It helps reduce injury and, over the long term, it can help you run faster.

Marion Company Support Healthy Lifestyles for Employees

Curt Ignacio, president and CEO of Marion Body Works, Inc., wants to make sure his employees have the tips, tools and opportunities to make healthy lifestyle choices. “What can we do – to do our best – to put in front of people opportunities to be healthy?” he said. The company formed a wellness committee in 2004. In 2008, it offered health risk assessments that were done on site for those with the company health insurance.

Recreational Group Raising Money for New Trail System

In 2003, an unnamed group of bicyclists decided to form Cronies Trail Crew and advocate for local silent sports in the Waupaca area. Today, they have taken measures to build a trail system and are in the process of raising $40,000 for another system. “We are driven to develop and execute facilities for biking, running, hiking, snowshoeing and cross country skiing,” said Amanda Mann, Cronies Trail Crew board member.

August 12, 2014

New London Health Foundation Gets New Name

The Wolf River Area Healthcare Foundation is getting renamed ThedaCare Foundation-New London to better identify it with ThedaCare Medical Center-New London, the hospital it serves.

For media inquiries, please call Cassandra Wallace, Public and Media Relations Consultant at 920.442.0328 or the ThedaCare Regional Medical Center-Neenah switchboard at 920.729.3100 and ask for the marketing person on call.