May 21, 2015
The rotator cuff has a big job in holding your bones in place and keeping your arms moving. Any irritation or inflammation can cause major pain. Attend ThedaCare’s free program and discover the different options for this type of shoulder trouble.
The Wisconsin Coalition Against Sexual Assault honored Korina Pubanz, a sexual assault nurse examiner (SANE) at Shawano Medical Center, with its Voices of Courage Award in the Health & Human Services Category.
May 20, 2015
The ThedaCare Family of Foundations will publicly launch the CONNECT fundraising campaign through a story-collecting project across the communities it serves. The foundation, whose mission is to support ThedaCare health care initiatives, will offer cancer survivors and others impacted by cancer, and the general public, the opportunity to step into a video recording booth and share individual messages of gratitude and wisdom.
One of the biggest mistakes I see runners make is forgetting to stretch. If they’re outside, they often just head down the driveway and go, or if they are inside, they hop on the treadmill and hit start. They completely forget to warm-up.
Going green—we hear this often, but what does it really mean? For ThedaCare, it means changing the way we think about how we use resources, and making small changes that have a big impact on the health of the community and on our bottom line. As a business with seven hospitals, 35 clinics and almost 7,000 employees, we see a lot of value in getting on board the sustainability train.
May 19, 2015
The Trauma Center at Theda Clark is proud to present its annual trauma symposium on May 19th, 2015.
ThedaCare was awarded a VHA Sustainability Excellence Award in Las Vegas later this month for its efforts to recycle single-use plastics used in the health care network’s operating rooms, such as blue wrap, plastic containers, and plastic wrappers. Paper and cardboard is also recycled at all facilities.
May 18, 2015
Springtime in Wisconsin is finally here. This means green grass, flowers blooming, turkeys gobbling, and the emergence of the ectoparasite commonly known as the tick. Ticks are active already and are hungry. If you spend time outdoors in Wisconsin, you are likely to encounter ticks. What can you do to reduce your chance of having an unhealthy encounter with a tick?
ThedaCare today announced Berlin Memorial Hospital will become ThedaCare Medical Center-Berlin and Wild Rose Community Memorial Hospital will become ThedaCare Medical Center-Wild Rose. The changes will begin to take place in fall of 2015. Both the Berlin-based and Wild Rose-based health systems affiliated with ThedaCare in June 2014. ThedaCare is initiating a system-wide rebranding effort so all of its locations throughout Wisconsin are identified with the same look and feel.
May 16, 2015
May 15, 2015
Three weeks ago, Bonnie Ferg of Clintonville was able to hold her 3-year-old grandson. It was the first time since last December she was able to hold him properly.
Riverside Medical Center in Waupaca today announced it will become ThedaCare Medical Center-Waupaca this summer. CEO Craig Kantos said the new name is part of a system-wide rebranding effort that reflects how ThedaCare is redefining better by enriching the patient experience.
May 13, 2015
The Shawano Medical Center Foundation recently announced $36,598 in grants that were awarded in support of the hospital and other community healthcare efforts. Additionally, Friends of Hospice granted $18,336 in funding to support the Shawano area hospice program for a total of $54,934 in grants.
For media inquiries, please call Cassandra Wallace, Public and Media Relations Consultant at 920.442.0328 or the ThedaCare Regional Medical Center-Neenah switchboard at 920.729.3100 and ask for the marketing person on call.