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News & Events

May 31, 2013

Dad Doctor Has Stronger Appreciation for Expecting Families

Daniel Sutton, a family doctor at ThedaCare Physicians-Waupaca, has delivered numerous babies. He guided patients through their nine months of pregnancy. And he has provided well child visits to those babies he helped deliver.

May 30, 2013

Ear Tubes Help Children with Recurrent Ear Infections

Children who have recurrent ear infections, hearing loss or speech delay may need ear tubes. Placing the tubes in the ears drains the fluid and ventilates the middle ear. Tubes may keep ear infections from recurring or keep fluid from building up behind the eardrum.

The Little Things

It is often the “little” things – the “small” acts of kindness and generosity that make a big impact on the lives of patients and families at Appleton Medical Center. Hear stories of how patient’s lives are enriched by gifts from our community

May 28, 2013

Whew Almost Done

ThedaCare Behavioral Health’s (TCBH) renovated inpatient unit at Theda Clark Medical Center is only a few months from completion.

May 24, 2013

What are Pinworms

Pinworms cause the most common type of worm infection in children. They are essentially harmless, though they can cause lots of itching!

May 23, 2013

Diabetes Management Requires Special Attention at School

For school children with diabetes, there is more on their daily school planner besides when to go to math, history and science. Students with diabetes have to manage their diabetes properly and need to have a good support network of teachers, staff, nurses, coaches and others in their daily school life.

Respect Your Grill

It’s time to refresh your grill skills. Finally, the weather is getting warmer and unless you are a die-hard grill warrior, you have just pulled your grill outside for the season. The grill skills I’m talking about could save your life or at a bare minimum save your skin!

May 21, 2013

Swimming Pool Safety

Drowning is the leading cause of unintentional death in children ages 1 through 4 years. A swimming pool is 14 times more likely to cause death in a child under age 4 than a motor vehicle accident. Prevention of drowning is a significant health concern!

Unmasking Our Heroes

There is an old adage about a house or home telling much about the family that lives there. So what does a firehouse tell one about the family of firefighters that resides there?

Safety is Everyones Business

Destination Zero focuses on the fact that zero accidents, injuries, and preventable occurrences ARE possible and that EVERYONE is empowered to stand up, speak out, and take action if they witness a potentially unsafe activity.

For media inquiries, please call Cassandra Wallace, Public and Media Relations Consultant at 920.442.0328 or the ThedaCare Regional Medical Center-Neenah switchboard at 920.729.3100 and ask for the marketing person on call.