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News & Events

August 22, 2013

How to Organize an Individual Benefit

Having a family member or friend struggling with a medical crisis often sparks the idea to have an event to raise money to help them with expenses. Organizing an individual benefit can be a daunting task, but a new class provides essential information to help make your event a success.

August 12, 2013

Mission of Hope Helps Those in Need

The Mission of Hope is a local group that aims to serve those in need in New London. Services like free health care screenings, haircuts and groceries are available as well as information about services to further help those get a hand up.

Living with Loss is Focus of Seminar

There is nothing more devastating than losing someone close to you. If you have experienced the loss of a loved one and are looking for a place to connect, join us.

Hospice Fundraiser Planned

The Community Hospice Foundation will host its eighth-annual “Light Up the Night for Hospice” to benefit hospice patients in the Waupaca area. The proceeds from the event will benefit the Pet Therapy Program in Waupaca and the surrounding communities.

August 8, 2013

Can Men Get a Urinary Tract Infection

Prostatitis is swelling or infection of the prostate gland. The prostate gland sits just below a man's bladder and makes a component of semen. In young men, the prostate is about the size of a walnut. It typically grows larger as men grow older.

August 7, 2013

ThedaCare Welcomes Nurse Practitioner Cairns

Jammi Cairns, APNP, is now on the medical staff of Theda Clark Medical Center and Appleton Medical Center, joining the team as a nurse practitioner specializing in pain management. She is a member of the staff at Comprehensive Pain Management of the Fox Valley, S.C.

August 6, 2013

What are Shin Splints

Shin splints are that throbbing or aching pain in the front of your shin – the front part of your leg right above the ankle – that makes it painful to walk and run. Shin splints are caused by putting too much force on the shin bone and the surrounding connective tissues, which can be a common side effect from running

For media inquiries, please call Cassandra Wallace, Public and Media Relations Consultant at 920.442.0328 or the ThedaCare Regional Medical Center-Neenah switchboard at 920.729.3100 and ask for the marketing person on call.