Feel the Burn Relief for Heartburn
Is recurrent heartburn keeping you up at night? Making you uncomfortable throughout the day? Attend this free session and learn all about the various treatment options available to help relieve the pain.
Is recurrent heartburn keeping you up at night? Making you uncomfortable throughout the day? Attend this free session and learn all about the various treatment options available to help relieve the pain.
One of the most powerful tools for controlling diabetes is education. ThedaCare offers ongoing classes, education and support to help those with diabetes learn to manage the disease with a personal plan that includes meal and exercise plans.
A team approach to breast cancer care from diagnosis through reconstruction helps women become more informed of their breast reconstruction options. Doctors David Janssen and Honnie Bermas will discuss choices women have, including the "direct-to-implant" one surgery procedure. Megan Nelson from ThedaCare Genetic Counseling and Testing will go over the services her team provides. Amanda Garrity, Miss Wisconsin Fox River Valley and Diane Bond will share their personal stories as patients and advocates.
ThedaCare Cancer Care is the flagship sponsor again for this year’s Fox Valley Making Strides Against Breast Cancer 3 mile fundraising walk.
You are cordially invited to this musical performance on Saturday, October 12, 2013.
On October 10th, ThedaCare, along with other community partners coordinated through the NEWMHC (Northeast Wisconsin Mental Health Connection) will be hosting a live site to promote National Depression Screening Day. Representatives from ThedaCare Behavioral Health will be in the main lobby of Encircle Health from 8am to 3pm to answer questions about depression.
The Walk In Our Shoes Latino simulation experience is designed to help participants begin to understand what it might be like to live as a typical Latino in our community. It is a simulation, not a game. The object is to sensitize participants to the realities faced by area Latinos.
Cradle cap is common in babies and easily treated. It usually clears up on its own within a few months. It isn’t contagious and won’t bother your baby. Cradle cap generally isn’t itchy for infants.
The immune response to the vaccine is better in preteens, and this could mean better protection against HPV-related cancers for your children in the long term.
A new article on today’s TIME.com, the online home of TIME magazine, highlights the power of lean healthcare as a way to fundamentally improve the industry, and positions the ThedaCare Center for Healthcare Value as an important conduit to spread those learnings.
ThedaCare invites runners of all levels to attend its free community program, “Running One Step at a Time.” Kristen Kuratnick, DO, Erica Kroncke, MD, JP Larson, PT, and Katy Leder, PT of ThedaCare Orthopedic Care, will provide information on how to run more efficiently and tips for indoor and outdoor running.
ThedaCare is offering a free community program, “Shoulder Talk: Rotator Cuff Relief,” on Tues., Oct. 15. Brett Young, MD, orthopedic physician/surgeon and Joey Coteng, PT, will cover the role the rotator cuff plays in arm mobility and shoulder stability. They will explain the causes and treatment options available for related pain.
Making sure that patients know that babies born after 39 weeks do better than those born earlier was one of the first steps that ThedaCare staff took as they set out to reduce early elective deliveries (EED).
For media inquiries, please call Cassandra Wallace, Public and Media Relations Consultant at 920.442.0328 or the ThedaCare Regional Medical Center-Neenah switchboard at 920.729.3100 and ask for the marketing person on call.