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November 11, 2013

What is an Umbilical Hernia

Many children will have an umbilical hernia at birth. The hernia usually isn't painful or dangerous, and it often closes on its own without treatment. An umbilical hernia can usually be seen after the umbilical cord stump falls off.

I Think I Have Seasonal Affective Disorder

Seasonal Affective Disorder or SAD is a mood disorder that includes depression symptoms when there is typically less sunlight (such as now, the fall and winter) which improves completely when the sun is out more often again (spring and summer).

Nurse Practitioner At Home in Clintonville

Lesley Fuerst of New London feels right at home at ThedaCare Physicians-Clintonville. Fuerst, a family practice nurse practitioner, was familiar with the clinic through her clinical rotation while in school. “I knew it was a good clinic,” said Fuerst, who joined the family practice in April. “I like working in my own community.”

November 7, 2013

Should I Seek Help for my Mental Health Problems

Help is available and a good place to start can be with a primary care physician. Medical conditions can be addressed, and further help can be recommended or arranged if needed. This could be a referral for mental health counseling.

November 6, 2013

PARTY at the PAC Puts Teen Safety in Focus

After a night of drinking in 2007, Darcy Schehr spent the night at a friend’s house and thought she was safe to drive home the next morning. She was wrong. On the way home, she fatally hit a motorcyclist, 40-year-old Daniel Christ. When her blood alcohol level was checked at the hospital about two hours after the accident, it was .11 – well over the state level limit of .08.

October 31, 2013

What is Vertigo

Vertigo is known to cause dizzy spells, like the feeling you are spinning or the world is spinning around you. Vertigo is often caused by an inner ear problem?

October 30, 2013

Pregnancy Prep 101

Whether you’re a first-time mom or dad, a parent with four kids or a couple contemplating pregnancy, this class can help! It provides an informational overview for planning a healthy pregnancy from the get-go-dietary and exercise recommendations to tips for promoting general health and mental wellness.

ThedaCare Welcomes OBGYN Physician Vandenberg

ThedaCare welcomes Maria Vandenberg, MD, to the Women’s Care of Wisconsin Appleton location as a physician specializing in obstetrics/gynecology. She will also practice at Theda Clark Medical Center and Appleton Medical Center.

Nutrition Analysis at Shawano Restaurant Helps Partons eatSmart

Angie's Main Cafe/Daily Grind at 130 S. Main Street in Shawano is the city’s first locally owned restaurant to participate in eatsmart!, a community-wide initiative highlighting menu items that get a mark of approval from local health professionals.

October 28, 2013

Cooking Light During the Holidays

The holiday season is often a smorgasbord of tasty delights that can tempt any diet. A new ThedaCare class aims to help people still enjoy the holidays with some healthy recipes.

For media inquiries, please call Cassandra Wallace, Public and Media Relations Consultant at 920.442.0328 or the ThedaCare Regional Medical Center-Neenah switchboard at 920.729.3100 and ask for the marketing person on call.