January 7, 2015
The spread of lice in older children is on the rise. So how does a teen get head lice? One can trace it back to social media. Teens love taking pictures (“selfies”) with their friends. Squeezing in for a photo permits lice to move from one head to another (heads/hair touching). It is important to know that lice can’t jump, so it the contact that spreads the infestation.
Well, its official, the 2014-2015 influenza season is here. There have been documented cases in the Berlin area in the past couple weeks and the incidence is increasing rapidly. So let’s review what influenza is and what can be done about it.
Five new community members have joined the ThedaCare Board of Trustees. The corporate board serves as the governing body for the community-owned healthcare organization.
Community Health Network in Berlin, along with the Community Blood Center, Inc. have partnered for years to bring a blood drive to this area. Both organizations are very thankful to those that have donated in the past, and those that will continue to donate in the future.
January 5, 2015
During this time of an influenza epidemic, ThedaCare and Affinity Health System leadership request that friends and family limit their visits to the health systems’ hospitals.
January 2, 2015
ThedaCare welcomes Sheila Thiel, MD, a senior care specialist, to provide mobile care in geriatric medicine.
December 30, 2014
It seems that with the start of a New Year we celebrate by setting a goal to do something to better ourselves. We call it our New Year’s resolution. But, resolutions can be hard to keep. Many resolutions are aimed at improving health. Only about 63% of people report keeping their resolution after two months. What can you do to improve your chances of succeeding?
December 23, 2014
Winter – a.k.a. – the long dark cold time – has arrived. Whether you are walking outdoors to hold off the winter blues or simply dashing into work on a cold day – staying upright can be a challenge. Injuries to the back or head along with broken hips and broken arms are among the most common winter slip and fall incidents.
December 22, 2014
As of Jan. 2, 2015, ThedaCare Physicians-Shawano will offer an extended-hours walk-in clinic. One day earlier, the FastCare clinic services at Shawano Medical Center will be discontinued. This change will offer extended weeknight and weekend hours and offer treatment for more conditions than currently available through FastCare.
ThedaCare welcomes Nelida Sjak-Shie, MD, a physician specializing in hematology and oncology. She will practice at Appleton Medical Center and Theda Clark Medical Center.
December 18, 2014
A mini-outbreak of pertussis has Waupaca-area health officials concerned and urging residents to take measures to protect themselves and loved ones by receiving a vaccination. In the last two weeks, nine cases of pertussis, commonly known as whooping cough, have been reported in Waupaca and Portage counties, with several more patient tests and results pending
At ThedaCare, we take winter safety seriously. We would love to see fewer broken wrists, broken hips and back injuries in our emergency rooms and doctors’ offices. When we see a patient who’s slipped on the ice, we see your employee – out of work, unable to care for children or elderly parents who rely on them, in pain and unproductive. That’s “ouch” all the way around.
December 17, 2014
Young people are masters at slipping, falling, and practically bouncing back to their feet with nothing more than an embarrassed laugh. However, as people age, reaction time, strength, flexibility and range of motion may decrease, and slips or falls become much more than a comical mishap—they can cause serious injury or death.
For media inquiries, please call Cassandra Wallace, Public and Media Relations Consultant at 920.442.0328 or the ThedaCare Regional Medical Center-Neenah switchboard at 920.729.3100 and ask for the marketing person on call.