Lack of ambition or lack of motivation is not an illness but rather is a symptom people often complain of. Inability to motivate oneself can affect job performance, relationships and satisfaction with life. Lack of ambition can be a symptom of a depressed mood. There is ongoing debate about how much this symptom is related to biology and how much is influenced by changes in attitude and outlook.
Motivation cannot be measured by lab testing or x-rays. Most people recognize others who are motivated and ambitious from their performance in school, performance on their job, or involvement in the community. My dad once told me that if you really need something done, ask the busiest person you know.
Much of what is considered to be a healthy lifestyle is dependent on motivation and self-discipline. It takes motivation to exercise and stay active. It takes effort and self-discipline to avoid smoking, to be responsible about alcohol consumption, and to eat a healthy diet. It is human nature to take the easy way out. It is easier to drive to a destination rather than walk. It is easier to let someone else do the hard jobs. It is easier to sit and watch a sporting event than to actually get out and do it. It takes conscious effort to do what is hard.
Some strategies help ambition and motivation. Set goals and make a list of things to accomplish (these can be small things). Find a partner to do things with and support each other. Keep a routine of getting up at the same time, stick to a schedule, and limit television. Often people report there isn’t time in the day to do healthy activities or get things done. But, it is reported that Americans spend up to 5 hours a day watching TV (that’s 2 months a year). Reducing time playing video games and interacting on social media would be other ways to find time to do productive tasks.
Positive reinforcement for achievement is a strong motivator for most people. Positive reinforcement may come in the form of good grades, a good job review, a raise, a complement, improving times for sporting events, or the satisfaction of helping others. Achievements and rewards for efforts that require hard work and dedication can help promote motivation to continue with those behaviors. On the other hand, when someone gets by without effort there is no motivation to improve.
There is a story I once saw on a poster. Forgive me if you have already heard this one: A task was given to a group (could have been family, coworkers, church members, etc…). Their names were Everybody, Somebody, Anybody, and Nobody. Everybody figured Somebody would do the task. It was something Anybody could have done, but Nobody did it. So Everybody was upset with Somebody because Nobody did what Anybody could have done. Now, if Anybody had done what Everybody thought Somebody was going to do, then Nobody would have been upset with Anybody because, after all, it was a task that Nobody really wanted to do.
A lack of motivation can lead to procrastination. Procrastination is the easy way out and this can affect our mental and physical health. Setting goals and pushing yourself to achieve them can help in your quest to stay healthy my friends.
By: P. Michael Shattuck, M.D. – Community Health Network Family Physician