'Living Well Together’ will Support Hospital Project, has Fourfold Focus
The Shawano Medical Center Foundation announced the launch of its new campaign, Living Well Together, in support of the construction of ThedaCare Medical Center-Shawano. The new facility, expected to open in 2015, will replace the 82-year-old Shawano Medical Center and create a local center for convenient, coordinated health care. The Foundation is supporting the campaign with a $250,000 lead gift and a challenge to the community to raise $500,000 in a challenge grant.
“More than 80 years ago, the people of Shawano came together to build this hospital. It was a community event,” said Linda Gilbert, Shawano Medical Center Foundation director. “We still have that same spirit. This campaign is a chance to make a gift to future generations, just as we were given.”
The Foundation’s goal is to raise $1.5 million for the construction and support of four key areas on the campus of the new hospital.
A wellness and health education classroom space, equipped with interactive educational technology, is planned for regular use by hospital staff and the community.
The ThedaCare Medical Center-Shawano hospice suite is conveniently designed as a hospital room with an adjoining family room. Families may still choose to receive hospice services at home, but if they need access to hospital technology and nursing care, the new soothing and homelike hospice suite allows patients to receive end of life care where they and their families are most comfortable.
A healing environment is a natural outgrowth of maintaining the environment. Sustainability is an important part of the Living Well Together campaign because it will protect the new campus’ beautiful surroundings and save energy costs. Some of the “green” features planned include sun-friendly windows; local, natural plantings; a highly-efficient heating and cooling system; and roof garden.
The new campus will feature views out to a courtyard, as outdoor vistas have a demonstrated good effect on healing for the mind, body, and spirit. Inside, patients and families will benefit from natural materials, a reflection center/chapel, and welcoming alcoves for families to gather. Just as it has in the past, Shawano Medical Center will look to the community to support its essential life-saving and lifestyle-enhancing work.
The Living Well Together campaign includes a challenge grant from the Foundation. This means for every dollar raised from the community, either individuals or businesses, the Foundation will match the donation up to $500,000. “Every donation is effectively doubled,” Gilbert said. “This is why the name of the campaign, 'Living Well Together' is so fitting. It means that the Foundation, donors, and ThedaCare are working toward a common vision.”
Holly Zander, president of the Shawano Medical Center Foundation Board said, “This has always been ‘my’ hospital. I was born here, I had my children here. Thinking back, I see that what I valued about this experience was not the building, but the people in it. It is exciting to be part of the community that will allow our children to experience this wonderful care in ‘their’ hospital.”
The Living Well Together campaign launches through the efforts of the Shawano Medical Center Foundation. The Foundation was established in 1985 as a nonprofit organization with the mission to support Shawano Medical Center to meet the health care needs of the communities it serves, and to support quality health care throughout all of life's stages. The Foundation is governed by a local 16-member board of directors.
Families and individuals may already be included in one of the Foundation’s Giving Circles. If so, this is an ideal time to look at another level of giving or joining a circle for the first time. Foundation Director, Linda Gilbert, is happy to discuss giving opportunities. Contact Linda at (715) 526-7149 or lindaSMC.gilbert@thedacare.org
Shawano Medical Center is a nonprofit hospital in Shawano. It serves 35,000 people in Shawano, Menominee, and surrounding counties. Shawano Medical Center includes a critical -access (25-bed) hospital, Rehabilitation Services, and Sports Medicine.
ThedaCare™ is a community health system consisting of five hospitals: Appleton Medical Center, Theda Clark Medical Center, New London Family Medical Center, Shawano Medical Center, and Riverside Medical Center in Waupaca. ThedaCare also includes ThedaCare Physicians, ThedaCare Behavioral Health, ThedaCare At Work, and ThedaCare at Home. ThedaCare is the largest employer in Northeast Wisconsin with more than 6,175 employees. Follow us on Facebook and Twitter.