Are you and your family ready from the storms? Tornadoes and severe weather are guaranteed in every Wisconsin spring and summer. Preparing now could save your life and the lives of loved ones.
April 15-19, 2013 is designated as Tornado and Severe Weather Awareness Week in Wisconsin.
Here is some severe weather fast facts:
- Wisconsin averages 21 tornadoes annually.
- One of the lessons learned from the Joplin tornado is some people did not listen to the warnings and take action by going to a safer location. Those surviving family members would urge you to “listen, act, and live” when you hear a tornado warning. If you hear a tornado warning issued for your area listen to it and then take action by going to the lowest level of your building. Have a TV, radio, or NOAA weather radio in your shelter area to monitor the storm along with your emergency supply kit.
- The peak tornado season in Wisconsin is April to August, but tornadoes can occur any time of year, like the January 7, 2008 storms near Kenosha.
- Tornados can occur anytime during the day or night, but are most frequent between 4pm and 9pm.
- Know what we know! Everyone should have an emergency weather radio in their home. That way you’ll get the severe weather warnings as soon as National Weather Service issues the alert.
Note: Sirens are activated for those outside who may not have access to a radio. When you a hear weather siren’s, you should seek shelter immediately. Sirens also will be activated for Thunderstorms if winds greater than 60mph are expected.