“I was impressed with how they personalized my care and focused every conversation on my cancer and on my case, as though I was the first and only patient to ever be in this situation.”
After finding a lump in my right breast in April, I had a diagnostic mammogram. By the end of the year, I received a notice that it was time for my annual mammogram. I didn’t think my insurance would cover another one but thankfully they did. My December mammogram showed something suspicious on my left breast, which turned out to be cancer. Chemotherapy sessions followed along with a mastectomy and reconstruction surgery.
Through it all, I received phenomenal care from the entire cancer care team—from my oncologist to my primary care physician, and everyone else along the journey. They allowed me to have a voice in my care and I felt listened to. My biggest fear was getting sick; I have a poor tolerance to being sick, and I would remind the staff of this fact every time I walked in. I must’ve sounded like a broken record. But they would always reassure me that they would take care of me, and they did.