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April 18, 2017

Barbs Story I Was In Good Hands

It was December 30, late afternoon and I was taking down the tree and cleaning up after our holiday visitors had gone.

“I work at the hospital and am here every day. But this was the first time aside from having my children that I was on the other side, as a patient. I knew I was in good hands.” — Barb

It was December 30, late afternoon and I was taking down the tree and cleaning up after our holiday visitors had gone. I felt tired and decided to take a short nap on the couch. When I woke, I had trouble getting up. I was dizzy, couldn’t walk well, and my right side was clunky. I told my husband something was wrong and we went to the ER. 

I got very good care in the ER and was diagnosed with a stroke right away. After a CT scan they transferred me to the Neenah hospital where the staff was wonderful and so very caring.

Once back home, I had several weeks of speech, occupational, and physical therapy at New London. I experienced the same awesome care and they really helped me to reach a good recovery. When I first had the stroke, my arms wouldn’t do what I wanted them to do! It was hard to even hold a pen. Now I’m back to doing just about everything I did before—working, playing the piano, crafting and teaching crafts.