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May 20, 2015

Video Booths to Collect Stories

The ThedaCare Family of Foundations will publicly launch the CONNECT fundraising campaign through a story-collecting project across the communities it serves. The foundation, whose mission is to support ThedaCare health care initiatives, will offer cancer survivors and others impacted by cancer, and the general public, the opportunity to step into a video recording booth and share individual messages of gratitude and wisdom.

Kickoff Event Scheduled for June 25 at UW-Fox Valley

The ThedaCare Family of Foundations will publicly launch the CONNECT fundraising campaign through a story-collecting project across the communities it serves. The foundation, whose mission is to support ThedaCare health care initiatives, will offer cancer survivors and others impacted by cancer, and the general public, the opportunity to step into a video recording booth and share individual messages of gratitude and wisdom.

Dean High, chairperson of the CONNECT Campaign, a community fund raising campaign to transform cancer care, said, “In the midst of a medical crisis, sometimes it’s the little things that can make the biggest difference. Small acts of kindness can serve to provide clarity and certainly generate gratitude for those who are caring for you. These can be powerful stories, and we would like to collect some of them and share them with others who may be facing a cancer journey of their own.”

In addition to its support of modern technology, the CONNECT campaign will enhance holistic care that supports cancer patients who are fighting the disease. To provide a more thoughtful and calming care experience, therapies like yoga, aromatherapy, and genetic and behavioral counseling will be offered at the ThedaCare Regional Cancer Center being built near Encircle Health in north Appleton. The center is slated to open in February 2016.

The traveling video booth will be available on the following schedule:

  • Tues., May 26, 11a.m.-1p.m., Shawano Medical Center
  • Wed., May 27, 8-10a.m., CHN, Berlin
  • Wed., May 27, 1-3p.m., Wild Rose Community Memorial Hospital
  • Thurs., May 28, 11a.m. – 2p.m., Theda Clark Medical Center
  • Fri., May 29, 11a.m. – 2p.m., Appleton City Center
  • Sat., May 30, 9a.m. – 12p.m., Appleton Farmer's Market-City Center
  • Mon., June 1, 9-11a.m., Riverside Medical Center in Waupaca
  • Tues., June 2, 8-10a.m., ThedaCare Medical Center-New London
  • Wed., June 3, 11a.m. – 2p.m., Appleton Medical Center
  • Thurs., June 4, 7:30-11:30a.m., Cancer Survivor Day at Appleton Medical Center

Individual videos will be collected and distributed via social media and at the aptly named #THKFUL capital campaign kickoff on June 25, at the University of Wisconsin-Fox Valley, U Building, 1655 University Drive, from 5:30-8 p.m. The public is invited to attend. To RSVP, e-mail by June 10. Attendees will view the community video collaboration, participate in hands-on gratitude projects, learn about the value of holistic healing therapies, and enjoy refreshments.

The ThedaCare Foundation will ask that story participants sign a release so that their videos can be used during the online campaign and at the kick-off event.

The ThedaCare Family of Foundations, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) public charity whose mission is to help people express their values through giving and to apply charitable gifts to provide funding for ThedaCare initiatives that help people experience exceptional care. Member foundations of the family support programs and services throughout the region and include Appleton Medical Center Foundation, Berlin Area Health Foundation, Peabody-Heritage Fund, Riverside Health Foundation, Shawano Medical Center Foundation, ThedaCare Foundation-New London, ThedaCare Hospice Foundation, and the Theda Clark Medical Center Foundation.