I have three decades of experience of seeing the senselessness of alcohol and how it can accelerate injury. At the Trauma Center at Theda Clark Medical Center, we as surgeons see the impact of alcohol-related injury daily. We see the families torn apart; feel their pain when they learn their reality is forever altered.
Our mission is to not only to repair injuries and save lives but to improve our community by working to change the tacit acceptance of alcohol-related trauma. Alcohol is shown to be a contributing factor in nearly 47% of the motor vehicle crashes of patient we treated from Jan. 1 to Nov. 10 of this year. Too many of those crashes involved more than just the intoxicated driver. Poor decisions have consequences and we can no longer remain silent and watch the senseless death and destruction. If you drink, have a designated driver, take a taxi, stay over at a friend’s house or chose to stay home. The reduction in our trauma cases would be something we can not only live with, it’s something we would applaud.
In 2003 the minimum prohibited blood alcohol concentration (BAC) while operating a motor vehicle went from .10% to .08%. It should be pointed out that change also applies to operating motorcycles, all-terrain vehicles, snowmobiles and boats. Drunken motorcycle driving also continues to be significant percentage of our cases, and as we move into winter let’s not forget alcohol and snowmobiles – it’s a deadly combination. We need to be reminded the times have changed and what might have been acceptable 30, 20, or even 10 years ago is not today.
In addition to intoxicated motorized vehicle crashes, we see significant life-altering injuries involving alcohol and falls (our second highest intoxicated trauma-related visit) – for this we would encourage moderation.
This holiday season remember poor decisions can lead to dire consequences that can affect not only you but those around you. Let’s stop this killer. We call for change beginning in the home. Drinking is so much a part of society and culture in Wisconsin, but drinking responsibly needs to be our new normal. Friends, parents and relatives, we challenge you to make the future brighter for our youth by modeling moderation, drinking responsibly and never driving after consuming alcohol. You have a much greater influence on the people around you and children’s future behavior than you might know. If not for you, then change for the good of the community. It's teamwork that can help prevent many injuries from even happening. Let’s eliminate alcohol-related trauma in Wisconsin.
By Ray Georgen, M.D., FACS, Director of Trauma at the Trauma Center at Theda Clark in Neenah. The Trauma Center hosts the P.A.R.T.Y. at the PAC program each year educating nearly 40,000 teens in alcohol and destructive decision prevention since 1998.