Waupaca area teens have several opportunities to learn babysitting tips and techniques this summer.
Safe Sitters, a class co-sponsored by Riverside Medical Center's Auxiliary, teaches teens, ages 11-13, about injury prevention and treatment, CPR, management of problem behavior and the business side of babysitting. “This program is vital for teens who want to get into babysitting, said Cynthia Arnoldussen, registered nurse and clinical educator for the Health and Wellness Department at Riverside Medical Center (RMC) in Waupaca. “This will prepare them and show parents, their clients, they are ready for babysitting.”
The Safe Sitters course will be offered Mon, June 8, and Tues., June 9, and Mon., July 20, and Tues., July 21. There will be two fall opportunities as well on two consecutive Saturdays, Oct. 3 and 10.
Babysitting is not as easy as teens think, said Arnoldussen. “The class teaches the key elements to being a successful babysitter,” she said.
Classes meet from 9 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. for all the dates in the 900 Building at Riverside Medical Center. Pre-registration is required. The fee is $25. Teens must take both classes to receive certification. For information, call (715) 258-1119 or register on-line here for the June class or here for the July class.