Passion along with dedication and diligence is a powerful combination.
Life-Saver is a tough business. When it is easy it is real easy. But when it is hard it’s the hardest thing anyone can fathom. EMS personnel must be challenge ready 24-7, 365 days a year. They must be ready for any emergency and ready to care for any patient at any time. They are your community’s safety net! Well trained first responders, EMTs, paramedics, nurses, doctor’s, police officers and firefighters save lives every day by thinking on their feet and making rapid-fire critical decisions.
EMS workers are people of incredible strength who have high ethics and standards, dealing on a daily basis with just how tenuous and fragile life is. When something needs to be done, they make it happen. When every second counts, life-saving procedures must be done under pressure. Responders must be interested in life-long-learning in order to keep their skills fresh and to provide consistent quality care.
We have learned that emergency care is a specialty in its own right. EMS is not just in the business of transporting patients quickly and safely to critical care; but is in the business of transporting true critical care quickly and safely to patients! EMS workers enjoy taking action and working collaboratively with other health professionals to achieve the best possible outcome. There is tremendous coordination and cooperation between all members of the EMS response team.
We celebrate EMS week 2014 by saying thank you to these selfless professionals who never think twice about taking an extra moment to make a positive difference for someone in your communities.
Thank you EMS for your heroic contributions to the lives of so many! YOU TRULY ARE: DEDICATED FOR LIFE.