Shedding Pounds Reduces the Impact of Breast Cancer
New research suggests postmenopausal woman can help reverse the trajectory of breast cancer risk by shedding several pounds and maintaining weight loss. Shannon Schmidt, MD, oncology/hematology specialist with ThedaCare Cancer Care, explains the role weight management plays in disease prevention.
Far-Reaching Benefits
“The key is keeping off the weight,” Dr. Schmidt says. “That’s what makes this study different from the others. When women sustained the weight loss, they were able to reverse the impact of breast cancer — a 13% risk reduction if they lost as little as 4.5 pounds. That is a manageable goal for women. And if they maintained a 20-pound loss, there was a 25% risk reduction. That is a huge impact on women’s health.”
“That is a manageable goal for women. And if they maintained a 20-pound loss, there was a 25% risk reduction. That is a huge impact on women’s health.”
Doctors have always known middle-aged women with a healthy weight have a lower risk of breast cancer. This latest study published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute indicates for the first time that permanent weight loss can significantly reduce a woman’s chances of being diagnosed with the disease.
The study examined 180,000 women older than age 50 who were tracked for a decade. It looked at breast cancer diagnosis and weight loss during that time period. The study authors concluded: “Breast cancer prevention may be a strong weight loss motivator for the two-thirds of American women who are overweight or obese.”
“This is very exciting research,” Dr. Scmidt says. “This study affirms what we know and clarifies that just a small amount of sustainable weight loss can make a difference. It’s empowering to women to know that they can be in control of their health. They can modify their lifestyle to reverse this disease.”
Diet & Exercise Are Critical
Why does weight loss make such a difference in cancer prevention? It has long been know that fat cells convert to the hormone estrogen, and cancer feeds on estrogen. Dr. Schmidt says getting rid of fat is important in reducing cancer risk.
“Weight loss can be challenging for women, especially after age 50,” she says. “If women find an eating plan and exercise routine they can sustain, it will have a lasting effect. Every woman has a different metabolism, so it might be harder for one woman compared to another to lose weight. It’s about managing calories-in/calories-out and eating healthy foods.”
If women find an eating plan and exercise routine they can sustain, it will have a lasting effect.
Shannon Schmidt, MD, ThedaCare Cancer Care
She also stressed the importance of exercising at least five days a week.
“Exercise is underappreciated,” Dr. Schmidt says. “It is so important to an overall healthy life because women will burn extra calories consumed with exercise as well as build muscle, which fights fat. Regular exercise really gives you the edge in keeping the weight off. You really can’t lose weight with diet alone.”
Improving Health Outcomes
Breast cancer is the second-most diagnosed and second-deadliest cancer among American women. The average woman has a 13% of developing breast cancer in her lifetime, according to the American Cancer Society. The organization anticipates nearly 270,000 new cases of invasive breast cancer this year.
With so much hope emerging in this area of study, research continues around weight loss and cancer. ThedaCare is part of national, ongoing research called Breast Cancer Weight Loss Study, or B-WEL. It’s enrolling breast cancer survivors who are overweight. The study aims to determine if weight loss might prevent breast cancer from recurring. This could help determine whether weight loss programs should become a part of treatment plans.
“We anticipate this research will continue to confirm the advantages of weight loss for breast cancer patients,” Dr. Schmidt says. “We also see women attaining other health benefits with weight loss, such as reducing their risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and more.”
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