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How Sleep Affects Heart Health

Last updated: August 26, 2021

Take sleep seriously. It could save your life.

Dr. Jagdeep Sabharwal, Cardiologist, ThedaCare Cardiovascular Care

Seven to eight hours of sleep each night.

That’s the gold standard, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Yet, one in three American adults admit they’re not getting the recommended amount.

For many of us, getting adequate sleep is an afterthought among the many things we want to accomplish during waking hours. But the risks of failing to get enough sleep extend beyond just “feeling tired.”

Importance of Sleep

“Sleep is regenerative,” says Dr. Jagdeep Sabharwal, a Cardiologist with ThedaCare Cardiovascular Care. “This is your body’s opportunity to restore, recharge, and recover from strain that occurs during your waking hours.”

Good sleep, specifically the deep sleep that occurs during non-rapid eye movement (NREM) stages, is essential to mental and physical health. It improves your ability to focus, make sound decisions, re-energize, manage your weight, and fight infections. Additionally, as your heart rate slows, blood pressure drops and breathing stabilizes during NREM sleep. This reduces stress on the heart and prevents damage to the cardiovascular system.

For those getting inadequate or interrupted sleep on a regular basis — otherwise known as chronic sleep deprivation — the heart doesn’t have enough time to recuperate. This can result in conditions including high blood pressure, heart attack, obesity, diabetes, and stroke.

Inadequate Sleep and Your Heart

Inadequate sleep can lead to serious heart conditions.

“Think about all of the tools and resources we depend on to function in our daily life,” Dr. Sabharwal says. “At some point, everything needs a chance to recharge. The heart is no different. If it never stops working at full speed, it will inevitably break down.”

That breakdown could have severe, or even fatal, repercussions. Without proper rest, you are at higher risk for:

  • Heart attacks: Insufficient and interrupted sleep can lead to increased heart rate and blood pressure, causing cardiac stress that may induce a heart attack.
  • Stroke: Sleep deprivation increases blood pressure, the leading risk factor for strokes.
  • Obesity: Getting fewer than seven hours of sleep each night has been linked to higher body mass index (BMI). This can contribute to numerous cardiovascular and metabolic problems.
  • Type 2 diabetes: A lack of sleep can worsen glucose metabolism. Excessive blood glucose can damage blood vessels, negatively affecting cardiovascular health.
  • High blood pressure: Blood pressure goes down during normal sleep. Without adequate sleep, your blood pressure will stay higher for longer periods of time.
  • Irregular heartbeat: Poor sleep, including abrupt awakenings, can cause a sharp uptick in heart rate and may lead to heart palpitations.
  • Chest pain: Quick surges in heart rate and blood pressure — like those that accompany interrupted sleep — can cause cardiac chest pain.

How to Improve Sleep Habits

“Fortunately, there are many methods for improving sleep, and most don’t require much effort,” Dr. Sabharwal says. “Making a few minor adjustments to your daily routine can make all the difference.”

Here are a few suggestions for improving your sleep habits:

  • Keep a regular schedule. To ensure a stable sleep schedule, go to bed and get up at the same time each day, including the weekends.
  • Get enough natural light and physical activity. Get outside as much as possible and incorporate physical movement, even if it’s just a quick lunchtime walk.
  • Avoid technology. Ditch electronic devices, including your cellphone, at least an hour before bedtime.
  • Be mindful of food and drink intake. Avoid alcohol, caffeine, and foods high in fat and sugar as you’re nearing bedtime.
  • Aim for comfort. Keep your bedroom cool, dark, and quiet. Ensure you have a comfortable mattress and pillow as well.
  • Relax. Try techniques like deep breathing, yoga, light stretching, and meditation to help you calm down before bedtime. 

Keep in mind, there could be something more serious to blame for trouble sleeping. If changes to your habits and lifestyle don’t improve your sleep, you might be suffering from a sleep disorder. Certain sleep conditions, such as sleep apnea and insomnia, can increase your risk for sleep-related heart problems. Talk to your primary care provider about sleep issues.

“Take your sleep seriously,” Dr. Sabharwal says. “It could save your life.”

If you’re struggling to get adequate, quality sleep, your primary care provider can help you get back on the right track.

Tags: Heart Health rest Sleep Health

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