The ambulatory referral to diabetes education has been updated to avoid scheduling errors.
Changes include:
- A statement has been added to remind staff to not use this referral for prediabetes. Use REF50-Ambulatory Referral for Nutrition instead. The diabetes referral should not be used for prediabetes because it does not trigger an ABN for Medicare patients. Prediabetes education is not a covered benefit for prediabetes.
- Home Continuous Glucose Sensor has been added as a reason for referral. Staff were choosing “diagnostic continuous glucose monitor” instead of “Insulin pump/sensor training” which resulted in too short of a visit time being scheduled. To clarify, the “home continuous glucose sensor” reason for visit should be selected if pt would like to obtain information about home continuous glucose monitors or receive training on equipment they have obtained. The diagnostic continuous glucose monitor reason for visit should be selected if the provider wants the pt to wear a sensor for 10-14 days to collect information about the patient’s blood glucose trends. It is a diagnostic study.