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November 3, 2021 President's Corner

President’s Corner

The core responsibilities of the organized medical staff are the promotion of patient safety and the quality of care.

Members of the organized medical staff may choose to act as a group for the purpose of communicating and dealing with the governing board and others with respect to matters that concerns the interest of the organized medical staff and its members.

Leadership and communication are key in managing the duties of a medical staff, especially when faced with the challenges of a pandemic, medical staff support turnover, and system change. I will never underestimate the collateral and networking benefits of an in-person meeting again. I think the biggest style change I had over the last 2 years was asking more questions when facilitating discussions. I will continue to use this as I facilitate meetings in other venues.

I appreciate the collaboration, understanding and ongoing relationships formed during my 8 years on the medical executive committee.

Cynthia Fisher, President TCB Medical Staff

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President's Corner

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President's Corner